Sonntag, 28. September 2014

Our Beautiful World "MUSIC"

Hi all,
this week at "Our Beautiful World" the prompt word is picked by Robyn, it's

I couldn't live without definitley!!! 

If I am at home I listen to music..., the car, the streets, the Pub, ...I love also festivals with life music...

Here are some musicians in Paris, sooo good! And so much fun to listen to....

this photo is from July, I made it in front of Notre Dame, I love the sound of the piano and he played outstanding!

but I love also the sound of guitars :-))

What kind of Music do you like??

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♫♪♫♬♩♪♩♬   Have a good week    ♫♪♫♬♩♪♩♬






3 Kommentare:

  1. Brilliant post Manuela - I do enjoy buskers too, to play in public they have such a passion for music. Excellent photos, love them all, have a wonderful weekend Cheers Robyn

  2. Lovely photos!! I adore music ... who could live without it?

  3. Great photos!
    I mainly listen to the radio so I get a mix of music but I do love to listen to my girl playing her guitar :)


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