Hello to a new week with us at "Our Beautiful World" this week Ros has chosen a fantastic word for us "Woodland"!
In our region we have a lot of wood land around us. This photo is from the south of Germany. I make it in Hohenschwangau (left lake "Alpsee" and on the right "Schwansee" and the castle "Hohenschwangau". It's a beautiful place!
Here is also the famous castle Neuschwanstein!
Close to here is a little place called "Fischen" in the forest the squirrels and birds are so tame, they come to you and eat of your hands (if they are hungry ;-) ), a lot of people bring nuts to feed them.
This is a starling on my hand eating hazelnuts...
a forest also a wonderful playground...
and a lot to discover... :-)
Come and join us, I love to see the woodland around you...
Robyn: Waterlily Cards by Robyn
Wish you a great day....
Hi Manuela...you live in a beautiful green part of the world....wonderful mountains and forests, and cute forest animals. Lovely photos. Cheers and have a great week Robyn
AntwortenLöschenWhat a beautiful country ... I love your stunning photos ... especially the starling!
AntwortenLöschenWow Manuela what great photos! You certainly live in a lovely part of the world...awesome!
AntwortenLöschenManuela, thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures! Really, one of my biggest dream is to visit Germany and to see castle Neuschwanstein =))
AntwortenLöschenIch hab' alle seine Schlösser besucht und sie alle geliebt ;-)
AntwortenLöschenDas ist zwar schon eine ganze Weile her, aber ich erinnere mich noch gut daran.
Schön, dass du mit deinen Bildern meine Erinnerungen auffrischst, liebe Manuela!
Ich hab's die letzten beiden Male nicht geschafft, mitzumachen, weil ich einfach kein vernünftiges Bild beisteuern konnte. Ich muss mich eindeutig mal auf Reisen begeben und Vorrat schaffen ;-)
P. S.: Die Wiesenblumen sind leider schon wieder hin, aber noch blühen ja reichlich am Wegesrand für Nachschub!
P. P. S.: Den Garten für den 12tel Blick auszuwählen, war glaube ich eine recht gute Idee - so kann ich ihn euch immer wieder zeigen ;-)
P. P. P. S.: Vielleicht bist du jabeim nächsten Shop around the Blog mit dabei! Ich hatte erstaunlich viel Erfolg, ich bin restlos begeistert von der Aktion ...
Beautiful, just stunning. It makes me long to be able to visit. So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World.
AntwortenLöschenI sure love the woodlands around you, well, I love Europe!
AntwortenLöschenThis is like a dream Manuela I just shared it with my daughter, of course now she wants to go to and find the birds and the squirrels!!!!
AntwortenLöschenOh my word... that is such a magnificent place!!! Stunning! And I absolutely love the photo you've taken of it, with the lakes and the castle! I love traveling in southern Germany, and how the mountains suddenly begin when we're driving south. I visited Neuschwanstein once and thought it a beautiful and unique place. Also the story behind it. Beautiful post Manuela!
AntwortenLöschenGorgeous photos. You live in a beautiful part of the world. How special to have squirrles and birds feed from your hand.