Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

Our Beautiful World "Time"

Hello all...

in this week the promt word for "OBW" is chosen by Robyn, she take the word "Time".
I bet most of the people have too little of it!! Including me!! ;-)

I shot this photo in Belgium (Oostende), it's a "flowerclock" in the front is also the date, they change it every day!

This one is a sundial in my mom's garden. I can't really read it! 
However...but it works!! :-)

I remember this photo, when I thought about the photos for this promt...

I made this photo in  "Düsseldorf", here is the Rhinetower and he has the biggest digital clock of the world, it's so extraordinary!!
 Here are some information about it for those who are more interested in it!

 On top are the hours in the middle the minutes and among them the seconds.

OK, let me see your "time" shots!
I'm curious about it :-)

And now I will hop over to my great team colleagues...

Enjoy your day...



3 Kommentare:

  1. What fabulous photos for the prompt!! Wonderful Manuela!

  2. Hi Manuela, your floral clock is gorgeous, I love seeing these in the public gardens, but I also love the sundial...I wanted to post a photo of one too but couldn't find one, lucky mum to have one in her garden. The digital tower is amazing...great photos - have a wonderful week Robyn


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