Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014

Our Beautiful World "AUTUMN"

wow, it's Sunday again. Ros has chosen a great word for the new prompt "Autumn" 
It's a wonderful time of the year,  Love all the colors of our beautiful nature...

Have a comfy  autumn Sunday/week...


9 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Manuela, how beautiful are your Autumn photos, the sun shining through the leaves making them shimmer and the stunning blue sky creates a beautiful photo. Have a wonderful weekend, hope you're home safely Cheers Robyn

  2. I echo Robyn's comments ... beautiful photography!

  3. These photos really capture beautiful changes in color. Nice job! So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World.

  4. Sure is the lovely time of the year, beautiful shots!

  5. Beautiful photos, they really capture the autumn colour. What an incredible blue sky.

  6. Tolle Fotos! Das zweite gefällt mir fast noch besser! Ich liebe so klare Herbsttage!
    (Komischerweise ist dieser post nicht in meinem reader erschienen. Das ist schon der zweite blog bei dem mir das auffällt...! Die asiatischen Weisheiten habe ich bekommen...)

  7. Wunderbar!! Oktoberfest from previous post, auch, und eine autumn glanz in schon farbe. So wunderbar diese prezentation für theme... I tried to remember from school much more words to expressed my thoughts ... Lovely aspects of autumn in your part, indeed. A sunny october ahead!

  8. Beautiful, it captures autumn perfectly. And such a beautiful scenery too with the mountains. Wish we had some here in the Netherlands! Hugs, Wendy


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